Sunday, January 31, 2010 @ 2:09 PM
Tired...and for you.
Okay nothing happened actually just feel very tired. Will just end off here. Dear, I know you might feel I am selfish and everything but I really am scared of losing you. Sometimes I feel that I am not good enough for you. I had already ran out of ideas to make you happy and amuse you and I am so afraid to lose you. It will be hard and I am willing to try and also willing to sacrifice anything for you. Just give me time, I will show you. I will change. I really love you alot. Sorry for all the wrong things I have done. Thank you for being by my side even though I treated you so badly. Thank you so much and sorry for everything. I promise I will treat you better. This will be my new start and everything will be just like before. You will see. I will be the same old Louis you know and liked back then. P.S I love you.
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Friday, January 29, 2010 @ 7:44 PM
Ok today was alittle different from what I had expected. When I got to school, the seniors were like 'HURRY UP J1's THE FIRST BELL HAS GONE WALK FASTER' upon hearing that I just carried on strolling LOLS. Anyways it went of with quite an awkward start, the seniors had to teach us the college song and I can say it had a rather perculiar beat and melody. Next, we had to sit down on the hard and cramped hall, which really made our butt sore. Anyways the talk was first about the college expectations then it was followed by the talk on how to use the TPJC online portal and lastly the talk on NYAA which I screwed up in secondary school...Anyways the break was not as enjoyable with us going to the GoodNews Cafe where the food was not satisfying at all. The Tuna sandwich has so much vegtables in it it was like a total vegetarian with a little exemption for the day O.O. After the break we 'Toot the horn' AKA learning cheers. I shall not elaborate the grotesqueness of my cheering and also to spare my diminishing self esteem... Blah blah on the subject talk which was followed by a rather informative interactive session with subject tutors which I felt was a satisfactory session making our time worthwhile :D Luch was the same nothing much and was then followed by a presentation in the auditorium which was EXTREMLY COMFORTABLE and is definitely a condusive environment for...sleeping LOLS. After the presentation we went to the hall to continue with the MassDance and then the whole orientation ended with the TPJC cheer! I really felt that our OG7's OGL were the best! They were friendly and quite understanding and really cordial. Now I am really looking forward for the official school opening!!! And my choice of CCA shall be.. ROCK CLIMBING!!!!! Anyways I think I shall go take out my science books and start revising so as to start my momentum for these 2 years. Okay shall end here and start my studying :D lols reminds me of a qoute, a life dies while a new one is born! Time must be used wisely as what we learnt from geography, every 5 seconds a child in africa dies :( so...remember, don;t let them die in vain! Nights all studying time~
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Thursday, January 28, 2010 @ 11:19 PM
First DAY!
Wow today first day of TPJC orientation. It was rather interesting though despite some unpleasant activities. All was well. Good start I may say and most importantly I got to know more about the combinations and the school. Okay firstly I have to say the canteen food is quite cheap compared to TKSS' canteen food. E.G [Rice+2Meat+1Veg] TKSS=$3~$3.50 while TPJC=$2.20~$2.40. Wow? Lols. Next they have many many variaties for us to choose which is good for me as I am quite the food person hahas. Love the cafe! Right now the orientation. I got into group 7 while my darling got into group 28. Surprisingly we saw the boy who wanted to go into MJC in TPJC. While you should know what happened to his posting. Anyways we played icebreaker games and yeah I was totally hopeless, I couldn't remember anyone's name at all! LOLS. Then it was followed by a series of talks for the different subjects offered in TPJC and it was ended of with a Mass Dance. Rating for today, I would say 8/10 (Cause of the Mass Dance was a failure lmao and the hall looked run down)! Anyways I am really looking forward to the official opening of school or what you all call it the time where we will get into our classes and start studying! Hahas. Lastly really would end of thanking Fabian Chin, Olivia Lee and Chong YouMing for the warm welcome and such sociable OGL! Looking forward for tommrrow's orientation and just submitted my subject combination. People pray for me so that my darling can get in the same class as me! Thanks all and Nights!
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010 @ 3:30 PM
Okay man I got posted to Tampinese Junior College!!!! Yay!!!! Woots!!! Anyways all the best for those appealing. Nothing much happened though, could not sleep.... MOE only sms-ed me at around 7.45am lols I checked the website first before receiving the sms. HAHAS Anyways tata for now~
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
@ 1:06 AM
Dam it
Dam it lols posting results in 7h time!!! Grrr will post once I get my results! For now emo~ ~Nights
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Monday, January 25, 2010 @ 1:06 AM
Okay today nth happened just keep sleeping then go to my uncle's wake and back now. Tired Nights~
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Saturday, January 23, 2010 @ 2:01 AM
Okay nothing much happened today hahas. Just came back from my uncle's wake and quite tired. I received news yesterday that I was successfully admitted to MJC(meridian junior college) lols yay I suppose :X Lols mixed emotions really...Happy cause its a good school but scare cause its going to be really tiring. Nevermind those but I will work hard! :D anyways I will end here bah Nights all~anyways here are some pictures from the BBQ(Tyson's one) :D Enjoy! 
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Friday, January 22, 2010 @ 2:24 AM
Good news and Sad news.
Hais will not be posting the chalet details any time soon due to some unforseen circumstances. Firstly my 3rd uncle has just passed on. I really did not expect it to be so quick. The doctor say that he might live for about a month or so but in the end is was about 2 weeks or so? Hais feel like crying... Okay enough of sad news anyways I am confirm in MJC cause I got the reply that my application to MJC was successful :D yay!!!!!!! hehe anways I just got back from the wake and tired so yeah going to sleep all. Will update tommrrow :D Nights!
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 @ 11:29 PM
Back from chalet.
Ah just came back from chalet :D Darn tired detail tommrrow morning and some pictures to spice up the fun :DD Nights~
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 @ 4:14 PM
Dead Tired...
Alright came back from 2F'07 chalet. Dead tired to the max. Ok now lets talk about it? Lols firstly we paid $7 to go(its ok lah) then the BBQ was a total failure. First time in my life that for a BBQ I had to redo the fire because we were too engross in cooking and eating that no one remembered to fan or add more charcoal. Maybe there were a few of them faning but its like faning sub-consciously lols. Anyways the funny part only starts at night. Okay so night when Isabel decided to go out and cycle we decided to play some cards, so poker? I was winning at first like mad until some shitty thing happened.. I lost all my coins from 100 over till 0....any they were like 'oh its ok we give you 1 coin :D' lols... then blah blah happened. Played till 4am in the morning and finally deciding to take a nap, Isabel comes back and says 'eh you all can go out a while anot'. wanted to sleep, cannot sleep so cycle lor. Cycle from 4am till 7 am! From Costa Sand Resort till Bedok and Tampines park...Finally went back to the chalet and we then allowed to sleep...Sleep till 1030am and poof me and SK chiong home. Dead tired now and I am going back to sleep..No photos though...ok nap time Nights!
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Sunday, January 17, 2010 @ 10:59 PM
Okay!!! O lvl's HAS ENDED AND RESULTS ARE OUT! HIPP HIPP HURRAY!!!! (okay I know this is abit late but who cares!) :D Anyways now the only headache thats going through my brain is the dilema of either MJC or TPJC... any advice anyone? T.T. Anyways I think I will end here for now, going to check on my neopet's stock market! :P Tata!
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.