Tuesday, February 23, 2010 @ 9:18 PM
Lmao totally hilarious man hahas ClemZXDSXZH hahas or aka Clement lmao ate a freaking mandrine orange!!! IN CLASS LMAO LMAO he peeled it and ate it during maths tutorial HAHA then when he opened his mouth it was like filled with seeds!! HOHO ROFL man!!! Following I think it was Matthew brought a cup of ice lemon tea into the audi! LOL HAHA LMAO today was FREAKING HILARIOUS HAHAHAHAHAHAHA and worst i foun a dam bug in my ice cream....lols.... hahas anyways I have loads of homework so let you all see the pictures and btw you might be curious how ClemZXDSXZH came about? Hahas Enjoy! 
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Monday, February 22, 2010 @ 6:45 PM
Haha! Today honestly is a really really funny day firstly we had to sing the national anthem twice lols because late comers just continued to walk when the music started. Then they started talking about ************ I cant really say it here but it was dam funny!!!! Anyways school was as per normal and Miss Teo could not get the projector to work so the lesson was shortened hahas. Anyways I tried out the iPhone upload photos for facebook function and it was AWESOME!!!!! Hahas and the day ended with a nice happy lesson of Chemistry!! :D Hahas!!! Studying~
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Sunday, February 21, 2010 @ 10:01 PM
Lols will update tommrrow....
Wow yeah many times I have said will up date tommrrow but this time its real lols just getting used to the life as a jc student lols hahas Nights~
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010 @ 11:06 PM
Tired again..
Okay these few days were rather normal and today was a really exhausting day. Really tired now will update tommrrow hahas Nights~
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Saturday, February 13, 2010 @ 1:00 AM
Okay I did not get a iPod touch but I got an iPhone instead!!! Okay quite busy now playing with it :D Cya!!
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Friday, February 12, 2010 @ 12:22 AM
Okay..I just completed my homework. Super tired. Nights~
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010 @ 11:36 PM
Wow packed load of work..Studying now today very busy post tommrrow about todays OG dinner! :D Studying~~
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Monday, February 8, 2010 @ 9:01 PM
Short and sweet
Okay YES I have a new newyear resolution. I will pump up my fitness and join may rock climbing competition externally since the school don't want me. Good news too! I am going to get my iPod Touch (finally) hehe but what size? I wonder... Studying~~
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
@ 12:04 AM
Okay tommrrow school officially starts. I have no CCA I and in a different class as my gf and the camp I have a bad feeling about it. No mood talk now. Bye~
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Thursday, February 4, 2010 @ 11:34 PM
Okay dead tired today will post tommrrow. Nights~
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010 @ 8:21 PM
O yeah
Alright CCA choosing time. I chose Rock climbing and table tennis. Lols I hope I get into rockclimbing though. Anyways nothing much really happened today so here are some pictures of the couple lab ring! :D 
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 @ 5:26 PM
Okay today too sian...nvm post tommrrow... Bye~
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.
Monday, February 1, 2010 @ 10:52 PM
Yes! Studying Started today!
Okay I am totally not sure why I am so enthusiastic about studying but yeah its a new chapter and I want to start it damn right! Though we had long breaks today but all went quite smoothly. Anyways nothing much really happened so yeah nothing much to write :( Anyways will be going to Tampines 1 after school tommrrow to couple lab to collect our new rings! :) End of here then. Nights~
If I had 1 wish I would wish to reverse time.